Ultrasonic Generator and Transducer Repair
Farasout Sanat Company, through its industrial department, has successfully obtained exclusive representation from leading companies such as Bendlin Germany, Sonix Germany, Angotek Switzerland, Sonoswiss, and Liare Italy by completing the necessary training courses and obtaining the required certifications in the field of repair, maintenance, manufacturing, and calibration of ultrasonic technology-based systems.
With an increase in experienced human resources and a focus on capable personnel, the company aims to introduce ultrasonic technology to the Iranian industry and demonstrate its applications as an effective technology in the industrial and laboratory community of Iran. In this endeavor, we strive to collaborate not only in providing after-sales services for FaraSoot Sanat Company’s warranty products but also in the repair and refurbishment of other brands.
A sample of repairs to generators and ultrasonic converters by the Farasout Sanat Supply Engineering Company: